Massage Shiro-Abhyanga Ayurvèdic

Massatge Shiro – Abhyanga: it is a soft massage in the head with warm oil of sesame ecological seeds.

It contributes a great easing. It provides silky, strong hair and prevents them from becoming gray. Ideal to attack the insomnia, headaches, migraines, stress, fall of the hair, muscular inflexibility, irritations and dryness of the hairy leather.

You obtain:

Minor mental, muscular tension and anxiety.

It revitalizes the mind and improves the concentration.
It balances giving a sensation of calmness and peace.
It improves the blood flow of the head and of the hairy leather.
It liberates the visual fatigue.


Carrer Oratge, 11, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Catalunya, 08461, Espanya.

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